Gandalf Nicolas

Gandalf Nicolas

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Rutgers University

I am an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Rutgers University - New Brunswick. My research interests are at the intersection of social cognition and quantitative methods. Current projects range from adapting natural language processing techniques to study the content of open-ended data (e.g., spontaneous stereotype content and social categorization) to exploring social-cognitive biases in machine learning. Other projects include adversarial collaborations to reconcile competing models of person perception, studies on the effect of multiple categorization on stereotyping, as well as projects on metascience and scientific communication.


  • Social Cognition
  • Person Perception
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Bias in Machine Learning


  • Ph.D in Psychology, 2020

    Princeton University

  • M.A. in Experimental Psychology, 2015

    The College of William & Mary

  • B.A. in General Psychology, 2012

    Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra
